Verbal vs. Visual Branding: Why Words Matter as Much as Design

Logos get all the glory, but words? 

Too often, we’ve seen them left by the roadside on a startup’s journey.

What a shame.

Because while logos and visuals may catch the eye, words are what connect. 

Before anyone—investors, customers, or potential hires—tries your product, chances are they’ll hear about it first. Whether it’s a conversation, website, or a pitch, your words are the first bridge that will connect people to your startup. Which is why having a clear, simple story ready to go is essential.

Verbal branding is about the story.

It’s the narrative that helps people “get it” the first time. If you’ve ever finished a presenting to a room full of blank stares and confusion, you already know why that’s important.

Clearly defined messaging ensures that doesn’t happen so you can convince investors of the opportunity you’re offering, show customers exactly how your product will improve their lives, and inspire talent to believe in your mission and join your team.

The best brands know how to marry the two: think Reddit’s alien logo with “The Front Page of the Internet,” or Netflix’s red “N” logo alongside “See What’s Next.”

Visuals grab attention but the words help you keep it. So please, don’t forget about the words along the way.


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